This section contains all the news items about the latest technologies used by Bzv, events attended and awards. Keep up to date.
In the next couple of weeks BZV will complete the upgrade of the Cold-Box core [..]
In these days is finally and officially resumed the production of cores with the Cold - Box [..]
After the success of the first coreshooter installed with the "Vacuum" mounting system [..]
We are pleased to announce the full operativity at Valdelsanime Snc di San Gimignano (SI) of [..]
This week it has been put in production at a major Swedish foundry a new type of coreshooter [..]
BZV is pleased to announce the completion of the installation of the new 40-liter capacity [..]
Within december BZV will complete the installation of new lines of production and distribution of [..]
The last week has been tested with success the last set of coreshooters PF 25 at the [..]